
image of museeq

image of mucous

Official Site

The SoulSeek website is where you can find the windows soulseek client.


The Official PySoulSeek, Nicotine & Museek Soulseek Forums.


Museek Plus protocol (local copy)
Museek Plus Protocol (On Museek-Plus Trac)
Soulseek Protocol (local copy)
Soulseek Protocol (On Museek-Plus Trac)

Soulseek Clients

Museek is Hyriand's C++ Soulseek client / daemon. Museeq is the QT GUI.
Check out the FAQ, and Guide if you have any questions. If you are looking for a Curses client for Museek, Mucous is available.

Museek-Plus is the fork of Museek we are working on.

Nicotine is Hyriand's PyGTK2 Soulseek client. You can read daelstorm'spropaganda for it (and against PySoulSeek) and a GUI guide.

Nicotine-Plus is a fork of Nicotine. The Wiki / Trac is where development happens.

PySoulseek The feature rich wxPython soulseek client, created by Alex Kanavin. PySoulSeek is also the codebase Nicotine was developed from.

SoulSeeX is a Closed-Source Mac OS X client. Created by Sierracat.

Solarseek is an OpenSource MacOS X client. Created by fejta

Hyriand's PySoulSeek patches (discontinued) are user-interface enhancements that make pysoulseek even more feature rich.

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